Project Proposal  

Buy a land, establish a conscious community, build wellness and meditation centre, and permaculture centre.



To cultivate, protect and regenerate the land and its heritage, to be operated as a multi purpose healing, retreat and community space.

Based on principles of kaitiakitanga (guardianship, stewards of the land) and kotahitanga (oneness, collaboration, interconnection), the vision is to serve those living on and visiting the land, as well as being a blueprint and educational space, to work towards global change and healing, that is desperately needed in these times. A place of nourishment, empowerment and remembrance of the beauty and sacredness of life.

Plan Outline

  • Main house as community hub

  • Community organic gardens and orchards

  • Private residencies - Eco village, based on the values of the heart

  • Meditation Centre - hosting retreats of meditation and yoga etc

  • Integrated Retreat and Event Space - Healing programs with various modalities and functions ( incl. mental health, rehab etc)

  • Permaculture centre ~ Educational programs around permaculture,  organic gardening and cooking ( possibly school camps, etc)

  • Land protection and preservation - weed control, regeneration of the native forest, reintroducing of the original native trees into the forest, converting some farm land into native forest and food production for the community and the retreat centres, wetland restoration, and maintenance.

  • Marine protection and conservation work on the coastline - work closely with DOC on developing and implementing the plan

  • Protection of Maori Pa sites and integration with local iwi


The land in its entirety is held in the trust, from where the intention above is held in integrity. Once the vision has been rolled out, with covenants applied, some titles could be sold to stakeholders in the wider project, for example the healer that works at the healing centre, may like to have their residence in the private part of the land.

In conclusion

Any land on Waiheke Island is a great treasure, and ensuring it goes to the correct people with the right vision, is a great responsibility. We believe, that we are the right people for this task, and we wish to make sure, that our project will be of great benefit to many seekers on their journey and the land stays in great health for generations to come.
